
Monday, May 14, 2012

Half +Half= 2 Halfs By: Sergio Garza

Ive had a small but ongoing dispute with a close friend. I love the guy like a brother, but struggle to convince him that a Half is a Half and not a full. The Ironman company host Ironman 70.3 races, and he has completed two. He does not have a problem removing the 70.3 from it, but i do. Most people do actually. Just like some people say ive done a 5k marathon, mini marathon or a 26 mile tour de france(WTF?). Sounds funny, but it happens, often done by  people who have not felt the hardships of the actual event and find no harm in it.

The fact is, an Ironman is a 2.6 mile swim, 112, mile bike, 26.2 mile run. The Half is just that, HALF. It is common knowledge that it takes alot more sacrifice, time, hardship and pain to finish double the distance. Attempting to say the two races are the same, is like saying:
  • Donna Mayor= Obama
  • Night =Day
  • Ipod cell= cheap cell....
I have ONE, TWO, THREE  HALF IRONMANS under my belt and im training for a full Ironman, i have not worn any Ironman merchandise (except for my watch), called myself an Ironman or said i have done an Ironman. Point is, the race must be respected, not many have accomplished the great feat and few attempt to even try.

Monday, May 7, 2012

2Weeks away.......

2 weeks out from my event and things are start to calm down a little. 2 weeks out and I'm nervous and anxious at the same time. I've put the mileage in, I've put the time in, I havent had a social life in 7months and it all comes down to one event? I am really glad that things are starting to get a little easier but having the feeling that you will fail and not succeed is hurtful. I have a goal and its going to be a tough one to complete but I know what I have to do. Some people are hoping that I FAIL but thats ok cause that negative energy is going to fuel me up and make me Stronger and unleash what I've been holding for a long time. I may not be the fastest or the strongest person that is doing this race but I can surely say that I have alot of heart and love the sport so much that I will never Give up and continue training Smarter and Pace myself on this event. Nutrition and consistency is Key!

Training Smarter > Training Harder
Stable Watts> Hammering
Time Trialing + Triathlon =<3

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Runners Prayer

 I am Down to 3 long runs before my Ironman and its kinda nerve wrecking, its what haunts me most going it to this monster of a race. It gives me the Heebies Jeebies just thinking about it. Tomorrow im sent to run 14miles and just going to take it step by step and when the time come I'll leave it all in Gods hands.
A Runner’s Prayer
Run by my side – live in my heartbeat,
Give strength to my steps.
As the cold confronts and the wind pushes,
I know you surround me.
As the sun warms and the rain cleanses,
I know you are reaching out –
                        Challenging me; loving me.
And so I give you this run – my effort, my life.
Thank you for matching my stride. 

One man to look up to.....

The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark.
- Barbara Hall


This quote is a one that you must really think about. You cant just live in a box and expect everything to go in your favor. You must get out and experience the world for yourself to see what the world has to offer. If you see somebody with a inspirational story of losing weight or being into running or triathlon and say to yourself "I wish I can do that" or "He does that cause he has no responsibilities". The truth is that anybody can get out and get active just by putting in 30min of exercise a day. You would be astounded of how much 30min of walking or light jogging will do to the body. As per responsibilities everyone has them and they work around them to live an active healthy life style. True Inspiration would have to be my Mentor, Training partner, Coach, and Boss German Madrazo. This man has soooo many things he has to do from responsibilities in the household, family, training for Ironman’s all over the globe and running his Specialty Running Store "Valley Running Co." In McAllen TX. This man works his heart out day in and day out with a beautiful smile on his face every single day of the week. Not only does he have to do Orderings, future orders, clinics, financials, sales he still manages to put in 18hr+ training weeks like if Ironman Training is a piece of cake! HE IS MY TRUE Inspiration that if you find something that you love to do. It’s going to be fun day in and day out. So nobody can use the excuse that I have to many responsibilities to get up and train! I wish I could someday be able to be Half the Ironman this Man is.

With much Love and respect

Eric Jimenez Photography Ad : )

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pedal To Padre

Pedal to Padre is upon us once again! 
Have Fun
And Race over the causeway ; )